

Apply to the Class of 2025!

Thank you for your interest in the Emerge California candidate training program and, more importantly, thank you for stepping up to serve in elected office. We need you.


Before you start your application, we highly recommend you take these actions:

  • Understand the Application Process, including information about the application timeline and fee, our regional cohorts, program tuition and scholarship and grant opportunities, and the time and fundraising commitments if accepted into the program.
  • Learn the Selection Criteria, including the eligibility requirements and how program members are selected to participate in the program. Note: if you do not fully meet the criteria – including the timeline in which you might run for office and/or your certainty about running for office – please consider applying anyway. We consider applications holistically and may accept applicants who do not meet every criteria.
  • Review and hold Calendar Dates for 2025

IMPORTANT: We highly encourage you to read the application directions carefully and review the application in its entirety before you begin.

The application has four parts. You must create an account first and then complete and submit an Applicant Profile, the Application questions, References, and Application Fee sections as well as a final Terms and Conditions checklist. If you are applying for a scholarship and/or grant(s), you will be able to submit those requests through the application as well.

Please note that the application requires a resume and two letters of recommendation. These letters must be recommending you specifically for Emerge California. Once you provide the contact information for your two references in the application portal, they will automatically receive an email requesting them to submit a letter. There is a 5-day grace period after the deadline for your letters of recommendation to be received in our system.